Southfield Primary

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Where learning comes to life

Pupil Leadership

 At Southfield Primary, we recognise that our children are the leaders of the future and therefore provide a range of opportunities for children to develop their leadership skills. Pupil voice is valued and promoted – each academic year, pupils are given a platform to express the views of their school to help shape its development. We encourage all of our pupils to embrace the wide range of opportunities available to them – and always seek to find new ways that we can further empower our pupils. This enables our pupils to develop as individuals, as a community and grow the school as a whole. 


For some of our pupil leadership positions, pupils are elected by their peers through a democratic process. Others require children to apply for posts often requiring a written letter of application, giving a presentation and going through an interview process.



How Group Is Formed

Head Boy and Girl

These roles are selected by the Senior Leadership Team following consultation with teaching staff. A boy and a girl are chosen from Year 6.

School Ambassadors

This role is selected by the Senior Leadership Team following consultation with teaching staff. Two children from each class in Year 6 are chosen.

School Council

The School Council is an elected group of children who meet with school leaders to work on matters related to the school and the local community. One child from each class is elected (Year 2-6).

House Captains

Applications from children in each house from Year 6. One person from each house is appointed. They lead all house activities and promote teamwork and achievement in their house.

Sports Captains

Applications from children in each house from Year 6. One person from each house is appointed. They support the house captain with a focus on sporting activities within their house.

Play Leaders

Applications from children in Years 5 and 6. This team is trained to run organised games at playtime and lunchtime.

Lunch Leaders

Applications from children in Years 5 and 6. This team supports in the hall, promoting good manners, helping younger children with trays and helping the midday supervisors.

Breakfast Leaders

Applications from children in Year 6. This team supports with ensuring everyone who wants one gets a nutritious breakfast. They keep stock replenished and support with taking equipment to the kitchen.

Assembly Leader

Applications from children in Year 6. In the Summer Term, they are supported by children from Year 5.

Library Leader

This group is formed of Year 5 and 6 children who apply to assist in keeping the library areas around the school organised and clear as well as being involved in purchasing books for the school.

Roles are paid 15 Dojo Dollars per week