Southfield Primary

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Where learning comes to life

Year 5

Children in Year 5 start each half term with a new topic which begins with a Wow Factor experience and ends with a Showcase where parents are often invited to join in. Children will enjoy books throughout each topic, with one as their focus text that they will become very familiar with. The unit plans set out how subjects are woven throughout the topic.



Curriculum Overview

Autumn Term - 1st Half - Henry VIII's Secret Diary

Wow Factor: Hampton Court Palace Visit 

Showcase: Tudor Day


Unit Planning at SPA - Year 5 - Autumn 1


Autumn Term - 2nd Half - Holes

Wow Factor: Bridge Building Challenge 

Showcase: Holes Cinema Experience


Unit Planning at SPA - Year 5 - Autumn 2


Spring Term - 1st Half - Cosmic

Wow Factor: Leicester Space Centre Visit 

Showcase: Space Diner

Unit Planning at SPA - Year 5 - Spring 1


Spring Term - 2nd Half - Who Let the Gods Out?

Wow Factor: Adventures Into – Activity Day – Ancient Greece 

Showcase: Ancient Greek Olympics

Unit Planning at SPA - Year 5 - Spring 2


Summer Term - 1st Half - Rickshaw Girl

Wow Factor: Bollywood Studios Visit - Luton 

Showcase: Alpana Making

Unit Planning at SPA - Year 5 - Summer 1


Summer Term - 2nd Half - Street Child

Wow Factor: Black Country Museum Visit 

Showcase: Victorian School Day

Unit Planning at SPA - Year 5 - Summer 2