Southfield Primary

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Where learning comes to life

Home Learning Opportunities

Values Journals – Each half term children will be given the opportunity to show their understanding of the core value and will be given a variety of tasks to show how that value is shown in their family and in life. This is an opportunity for children and their families to discuss the values and to be creative with their learning. 

Children are given a selection of six tasks that the children can choose from. Children should choose one task or they can elect to complete a different task of their own creation. Tasks should target different types of learners including written tasks such as ‘Write a story where the main character learns why this value is important’ or an alternative written challenge such as writing a poem or a song. Activities may include a range of tasks such as drawing a picture to represent the value, collage, model making, crafts or photography. 

All pupils have Values Journal which are sent home at the beginning of the half term and may be returned at any point before the end of the half term. Children have the choice to complete the work in their journal or to document their project in pictures in their journal.

Home Reading – All children should have a school book bag and every child must take a reading book from school to read at home on a daily basis as part of their homework. Children who don’t have the opportunity to read at home should be prioritised for intervention.

All home learning opportunities are listed in the Year Group Welcome Letters.